So, who exactly governs the reputed “most powerful nation on Earth?” Who controls what? How is it decided? Well, the U.S. is a federalist country, meaning that the power of governance is divided among the federal government and state governments, much like Canada is a federalist nation, where the federal government and the provinces share responsibilities. However, in case you haven’t noticed, this is “Federal Politics 101,” so, all of you “states’ rights junkies” needn’t read further. But for the rest of us, who are interested in big league governance, alas, a site for you.
This site will cover the basics of the United States' federal government. The goal of this site, when discovered in its entirety, will be to give you, the visitor, a solid foundational understanding of how the American federal government operates; from the passing of bills, to the election of the presidency, and a bit in between. With the assistance of video and inforgraphics supplementing written text, this site is meant to be easy to understand, and interesting for people of all political understandings.
So, enjoy the site! Thanks for stopping in.